by Immigration Finder Support

April 19, 2021

In any field, it’s frequently asked how sales surge up the charts. Definitely, we all want our numbers and figures going high, don’t we? So, what are th three quick tips for selling more immigration cases? Let me walk you through the top three tips for selling immigration cases today.

Why now?

Ask first: why right now is the time you’re looking into this? Know that there are myriads and a multitude of reasons behind the “why now”-answer you will get. Most frequently though, these are people who have been living in the country for like 20 years or sometimes even more. And in a snap of a finger, they finally decided to go through the Green Card process. It’s important to know the answer for the whys—attach a reason to it. Good sales tip in general.

When do we start?

Know their timeline. Set your calendars straight on when the process starts to the applying of paperwork. Meeting this expectation is vital to working successfully and harmoniously with each other. It may seem trivial or petty but it certainly clears your worries on both ends. Yes, work out the timeline.

Set a clear next step.

Finally, it’s important to always set a clear next step. Be in charge of when you’re going to follow up and when you’ll be coordinating with one another. Harmonious communication is a plus in sailing smoothly with the process. Emphasize the things you agree upon and stick to them. You may get some help from a lawyer, case manager, or even an automated system to following-up. Every single firm asks and verifies immigration qualification questions. The preparation to go through this process is a tough row to hoe. And not everybody has the luxury of time connecting with them.

Photo by Jeremy Dorrough on Unsplash

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